
12' Trailer (3 Posts)

A nice heavy duty, two axle, four wheel trailer was donated. This documents maintenance work I did on it.


Secrest Trail Clearing (6 Posts)

A new preserve was brought into SMLC’s portfolio. I spent some time clearing the old access road, and creating a new one.


Field Mowing (14 Posts)

The various fields around SMLC require periodic maintenance to control invasive species and encourage native growth. They can be burned, but that requires specialized people and equipment. Using what is available. . . a Kubota tractor and 4′ brush hog I get done what I can each year.


Wetlands Construction (8 Posts)

In 2022 with grants and a lot of help several large wetlands were constructed north of the Conservancy Farm property. These are some of the activities that occurred during the construction.


Projects (6 Posts)

Miscellaneous projects that I have done around the properties.


LeFurge Fence Row

A 2023 project was to clear the fencerow near the LeFurge trailhead of invasive Buckthorn trees. This shows daily progress toward completing the work.


Trailer Assembly (18 Posts)

A 4’x8′ Harbor Freight trailer was donated. It was not assembled, and the axle had a burned out bearing. This series documents the assembly, repairing the axle bearings, and adding sides.


Farm Field Mowing (2 Posts)

There are a number of fields on the preserves that require periodic mowing to keep invasive species at bay to encourage growth of native species. This is random fields being mowed.